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Second generation EU legislation for energy communities

The EU’s Clean Energy for All Europeans Package (CEP) introduced provisions for ‘renewable energy communities’ and ‘citizens energy communities’ for the first time. EU legislation developments that took place after the CEP can be considered as the second generation EU legislation for energy communities. These briefings aim to analyse the relevant provisions for energy communities in the second generation legislation and share recommendations for the national and EU level.

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Community energy solar deployment: weaving social and technical innovation

Member States need to ensure that their national legislation on energy communities and renewables planning contribute towards the delivery of the Green Deal and that local actors, including energy communities, have a fair chance to develop their projects and promote technical, but also social innovation. This position paper shares REScoop.eu’s response to the call for evidence on innovative forms of solar energy deployment.

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Design elements of renewable energy auctions: how to adapt them to enhance citizen participation

Energy communities have a growing role to play in larger renewable projects, including big offshore wind projects. The guidance document of the EU Wind Power Action Plan should include references to energy communities and their contribution to social acceptance of renewable projects. This position paper shares REScoop.eu’s response to the call for evidence on the design elements of renewable energy auctions.

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Renewables acceleration areas: a fast, but also fair design process

In addition to promoting equality and a level playing field in the Internal Energy Market (IEM) at the EU level, Member States also need to ensure that their national regulations on planning and mapping of renewables contribute towards the delivery of the Green Deal and that local actors, including energy communities, have a fair chance to develop their projects, including in renewables acceleration areas. This position paper shares REScoop.eu’s response to the call for evidence on renewables acceleration areas.

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R Epower EU

Repower communities – not fossil fuels

  • English

Analysis of the revised national recovery and resilience plans of 15 Member States and whether and to what extent the measures foreseen facilitate the greater involvement of citizens in the energy transition.

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Guidelines ch

Guidelines on Community Heating and Cooling

  • English

The purpose of these Guidelines is to give a non-exhaustive introduction into the world of renewable citizen-led heating and cooling, including explanations of what they are, how they function, and giving advice on how to replicate successful examples.

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