Overall assessment

Spain's Recovery and Resilience Plan consists of 112 investments and 102 reforms. They will be supported by €69.5 billion in grants. 40% of the plan will support the climate objectives and 28% of the plan will foster the digital transition. The plan explicitly targets energy communities via central government financing which subsequently channels funds to all regional authorities (comunidades autónomas) for providing subsidies for the establishment of energy communities across all regions.

Detailed assessment

General: allocation, definition, transposition

Specific allocation for energy communities

3165 millions are allocated under the Spanish Recovery and Resilience Fund (RRF) to Component 7 "Deployment and integration of renewable energies" which is divided in 4 subcomponents, one of which being the "Deployment of energy communities". The PERTE ERHA programme (Proyecto Estratégico para la Recuperación y la Transformación Económica de Energías Renovables, Hidrógeno Renovable y Almacenamiento) includes a specific budget line of 100 million for energy communities.

Definition of energy communities in line with EU legislation

The financing criteria will be determined through the recent proposal of transposition of EU Directive 2019/944 (Proyecto de real decreto por el que se desarrollan las figuras de las comunidades de energías renovables y las comunidades ciudadanas de energía) which has not been approved yet. Until then, the applicable definition of renewable energy communities is another Spanish legal instrument (Real Decreto-ley 23/2020), which essentially is a mirroring of EU Directives, and therefore respects a) open and voluntary participation for all categories of entities in energy communities, b) effective control by citizens, local authorities and smaller businesses, c) the purpose of generating social and environmental benefit.

Proportionality of share of total fund allocated to energy communities

The €100million earmarked for energy communities is considered sufficient, considering also the size and maturity of the Spanish community energy movement.

Availability of tailored financing tools

Funds are provided only in the form of grants. There are no additional financing tools available that fit different situations (loans, guarantees, blended finance).

Link to a wider scope of activities and objectives

Link between energy communities, building renovation and energy efficiency

Energy community projects that are eligible for funding also include energy efficiency and savings, as well as citizen led renovation.

Recognition of energy communities under multiple objectives

Energy communities are recognised under multiple objectives under the Spanish Recovery and Resilience Fund.

Transparency and inclusiveness

Holistic strategy to provide financing across different levels of project development

Spain has an exceptionally comprehensive strategy to support energy communities through its Recovery and Resilience Fund. The 100 million euros from the programme mobilised for this plan on energy communities will be divided into three centrally managed programs: CE-Learn, CE-Plan and CE-Implement. These lines will be complemented by a network of Community Transformation Offices that, coordinated by the IDAE and distributed throughout the territory, will accompany and advise energy communities throughout their development chain and will facilitate access to each line of aid.

The first of the lines (CE-Aprende), in a simple concurrency regime, aims to help individuals or organisations interested in the constitution of an energy community to become familiar with the concept and identify future partners or members. It will subsidise actions such as the expenses associated with the revitalisation, promotion and publicity of the community.

The second line (CE-Planifica), also of simple concurrence, is oriented to the approach and constitution of the energy community itself. This program includes the financing of studies and contract models or specialised technical assistance and legal advice.

Once legally constituted, the energy community will be eligible for financing from the third line (CE-Implementa), which is articulated under a competitive bidding regime. Through it, comprehensive and transversal projects will be subsidised in the field of renewable electrical and thermal energy, energy efficiency or electric mobility.

Transparency of the design and communication of the schemes and measures

The design and communications are relatively transparent, but it is unclear whether feedback procedures and mechanisms are in place.

There is an official website on Spain's Recovery and Resilience Plan with key information being publicly available. However, no information is provided on the beneficiaries of the funds (names of beneficiary companies and specific monetary allocation per project). The Social Dialogue Table, a body for consultation and dialogue on the use of the funds, consists of only Government representatives and trade unions, excluding civil society.

Selection criteria and the prioritisation of various social components

The financing criteria are determined through the recent transposition of EU regulation 2019/944 (Proyecto de real decreto por el que se desarrollan las figuras de las comunidades de energías renovables y las comunidades ciudadanas de energía). The first call to tenders (convocatoria del programa de incentivos a proyectos piloto singulares de comunidades energéticas - Programa CE IMPLEMENTA) includes a point system which prioritises projects that are comprised of physical persons, and further awards additional points for positive social and gender impacts, as well as for poorer regions that face demographic challenges.

Decentralised tender process

National funds are expected to be transferred to regional authorities and managed in a decentralised way.

Existence of procedures to facilitate the participation of energy communities in open calls

The proposal for transposition mentioned above foresees that energy communities can access the Renewable Energy Economic Regime and the periodic auctions with which this regulated remuneration is granted. The auctions, in fact, will consider the particularities of the communities so that they can compete with other participants and will include specific power quotas for them.

In order to contribute to the promotion of energy communities, part of the capacity of the nodes reserved for tender is released in order to allocate it exclusively to generation facilities that are integrated into one of those communities. Specifically, 5% of the available capacity is released when the person in charge of the Secretary of State for Energy has resolved, or resolves in the future, to hold an access capacity contest.

Stability and predictability of the programme through time

The process is too recent to draw definitive conclusions. Only one tender has been issued to this date.


Inclusion of energy communities in national REPowerEU chapter

This information is not available yet.