Enabling Frameworks & Support Schemes

Enabling frameworks
Enabling frameworks - Updated April 2024

Here is an explanation of the logic behind the colours:

  • Bad Transposition
  • Substantial deficiencies
  • Average progress
  • Good practice
  • Best practice

The purpose of the transposition tracker is to assess the progress of the transposition of the provisions on definitions for RECs and CECs, as well as enabling frameworks and national support schemes for RECs. These provisions were introduced by the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II) and the Internal Electricity Market Directive (IEMD). It should be noted that the deadline for the transposition of the IEMD and the RED II into national legislation has already passed.

The map above provides an overall comparative assessment of the progress of the transposition with regards to the enabling frameworks and support schemes for RECs and CECs in the different European Member States following a modified traffic light grading system. Each Member State has a specific colour to represent how far they have progressed towards transposing EU rules on energy communities.

Each Member State’s overall grade is informed by a qualitative assessment based on a set of indicators representing the elements that must be included to properly transpose provisions on definitions for RECs and CECs, and enabling frameworks and support schemes for RECs. When clicking on a specific country, you will find an overall descriptive assessment of the national legislation that transposed the EU definitions, as well as a table with a short but detailed assessment of each indicator. The sources that we used for the assessment of the transposition process in each country are the legislative texts which were made public, either on a final version or a draft.

In particular, we have evaluated whether:

  • The Member State published an assessment of obstacles and potential for the development of energy communities;
  • Unjustified regulatory & administrative barriers have been removed;
  • DSO duties have been established around cooperation with ECs and facilitation of energy sharing;
  • There are fair, proportionate, and transparent registration & licensing procedures;
  • There are iincentives connected to network tariffs based on a cost and benefit analysis (CBA);
  • Energy communities receive non-discriminatory treatment as a market participant;
  • Energy communities are accesible to low-income & vulnerable households;
  • There are tools available to access finance;
  • There are tools available to access information;
  • There is regulatory capacity building for public authorities;
  • There is National and Energy Climate Plan (NECP) reporting on enabling frameworks; and
  • The support Scheme are adapted for RECs;

Each indicator has been graded with a colour using the modified traffic light system. It should be highlighted that in countries that have not transposed yet, we evaluated the existing legislation on energy communities or energy cooperatives (where such legislation exists). The overall grade is a compilation of the different grades for each of the indicators.

In order to develop each national table, we evaluated the existing legislation in each Member State that transposes the provisions on energy communities. For some countries we used the Deliverable 7.1. ‘Comparative Assessment of enabling frameworks for RECs and support scheme designs’ produced from the COME RES project as a useful resource. You can find this report here: https://come-res.eu/fileadmin/user_upload/Resources/Deliverables/COME_RES_Deliverable_7.1_Comparative_assessment_report.pdf