22 - 24 April, 2021 - Online
We are pleased to invite you to REScoop.eu's Annual General Meeting, the 2021 edition. From the 22nd until the 24th of April energy communities across Europe will gather virtually to discuss the past community energy year and debate about what is to come. The conference will be officially opened by the Irish Minister for the Environment, Climate, and Communications and Leader of the Green Party, Eamon Michael Ryan. The first two days are packed with webinars, talks, workshops and more! On the third day, REScoop.eu members will be able to join the general assembly which will for a large part revolve around the election of our new board of directors. After the assembly, our freshly elected board will come together for their first official board meeting.
AGM programme
Below you can find an overview of what we have planned. As you can see, some events are for members only, nevertheless we have some exciting options for non-members too. Download the detailed version of the agenda to learn about the different events you can sign up to. And of course, don't forget to register!
Cooperative Speed-Dating
(Members only)
A special feature this year is a speed-dating with experts. Do you have a burning question that you can't find an answer to? Let us know, and we'll set you up with a person who will be able to talk through it with you!