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Policy priorities for the new European Commission

As social economy actors, energy communities face many market, regulatory and financial barriers. To fully leverage the power of community energy, we outlined priorities for European policy-makers.

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Adobe Stock 449370363 briefing on the recast EPBD

85% of the EU’s buildings were built before 2000, and 75% have a poor energy performance. Furthermore, our buildings use around 40% of all the energy that

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Gender Power Kick Off

Gender equality Plan

Gender equality is covered by the 7 cooperative principles as established by the International Cooperative Alliance. More specifically, the principle of vo

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Adobe Stock 506667151 web briefing on the revised RED

In the Context of the European Green Deal, the Commission proposed amendments to Directive (EU) 2018/1999 (Recast Renewable Energy Directive, or RED II) in

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Adobe Stock 618158150 web briefing on the Social Climate Fund

One of the key components of the Fit for 55 legislative package is the extension of the European Emissions Trading System to buildings and road transport (

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Adobe Stock 79365078 web briefing on the revised EED

First adopted in 2012, the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) was updated in 2018 and then again in 2023 with Directive (EU) 2023/1791.1 The latest update w

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Second generation EU legislation for energy communities

The EU’s Clean Energy for All Europeans Package (CEP) introduced provisions for ‘renewable energy communities’ and ‘citizens energy communities’ for the first time. EU legislation developments that took place after the CEP can be considered as the second generation EU legislation for energy communities. These briefings aim to analyse the relevant provisions for energy communities in the second generation legislation and share recommendations for the national and EU level.

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Community energy solar deployment: weaving social and technical innovation

Member States need to ensure that their national legislation on energy communities and renewables planning contribute towards the delivery of the Green Deal and that local actors, including energy communities, have a fair chance to develop their projects and promote technical, but also social innovation. This position paper shares’s response to the call for evidence on innovative forms of solar energy deployment.

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