Guidelines ch

Guidelines on Community Heating and Cooling

  • English

The purpose of these Guidelines is to give a non-exhaustive introduction into the world of renewable citizen-led heating and cooling, including explanations of what they are, how they function, and giving advice on how to replicate successful examples.

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Heating cooling

Community heating and cooling: The road to energy democracy

Through a study of four Member States and their energy cooperatives working on citizen-owned heating and cooling projects, this position paper identifies good and bad practices to enable the democratisation of thermal energy.

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Repower EU briefing

REPowerEU: A closing window for energy democratisation

This briefing calls on policymakers to seize the opportunity of the ongoing revision of the Recovery and Resilience Plans (RRPs), as well as the drafting of the REPowerEU chapters, to boost citizen participation in the energy transition.

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Social Impact of energy communities

The social impact of energy communities in Greece

This report analyses the social impact of energy communities in Greece and identifies more than 20 benefits of community energy and highlights some best practices in the country.

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MTVSZ kozossegienergia teljes KESZ Page 01

Közösségi Energia Kézikönyv

  • Hungarian

A gyakorlatban is tenni akarsz a klímavédelemért a közösségedben, de nem tudod, hol kezdd el? Ez a kézikönyv neked készült!Ez a Föld Barátai, a,

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