As we all know, the need for climate action has never been greater. The next few years will be crucial if we are to safeguard our future. This relates to the climate crisis just as much as to our democracy. We need to make radical changes in the way we use and produce energy. Citizens will be critical in achieving that transition, and cooperatives are the best way we know to mobilise them.
Our mission is to support citizens, cooperatives and cities in driving a citizen-led energy transition. We do this through a range of services – some that are available to anyone who works in the area of the citizen-led energy transition – and some that are exclusively designed to support the work of our members.
The more we are, the stronger our voice will be, so thank you very much for being part of and for helping us grow the community!
Membership benefits
EU representation & advocacy represents the interest of citizens and energy cooperatives in Brussels. We participate in the EU debates around the energy transition and related sectors, and make sure the perspective of citizens and cooperatives is heard and included in new policies and policy updates.
Members get access to our policy working group, where we share key EU documents and develop position papers. Our online platform and regular online meetings allow members to stay informed about the EU debate from an insider’s perspective, and get relevant insights for advancing the advocacy in their own countries. At the same time, can ensure to share your story with EU decision-makers to inspire them further to support energy communities and cooperatives.
We also represent our members in the Community Power Coalition, a diverse network of like-minded organisations who share a common goal of promoting the development of citizen and community ownership in the urgent transformation of our energy system.
Send an email to our advocacy advisor Josh Roberts if you are interested to join our policy working group.
Participation in EU projects regularly screens EU programmes – including Horizon 2020, Life, operating grants, Interreg – and identifies project opportunities for energy cooperatives. Members who want to bring forward a project proposal can be put in touch with other energy coops and organisations from within our network. Our team is well-experienced with EU projects and can guide you through the application procedure, including the eligibility criteria, how to build a strong consortium and work on a project concept or budget.
If you need support in writing a proposal, we can provide this in exchange for a fee.
Write for any question related to EU projects.
Members become part of a diverse, inspiring and dynamic network of energy cooperatives operating across Europe. This provides you with access to relevant trainings, workshops and events including our annual conference, which is often combined with a series of interactive workshops. Our events provide excellent networking opportunities and enable members to extend their professional network and find inspiration for their own cooperative.
E-car sharing and financing RES projects was part of the founding team for The Mobility Factory, a European cooperative society that facilitates contact between cooperatives that provide e-car sharing services (including a shared code for personalising your e-car sharing app). Your membership gives you access to the Mobility Factory’s online platform.
In addition, they can join REScoop MECISE and benefit from the financial facilitation service that we set up to finance community energy projects and do shared projects with other cooperatives.
Get in touch with if you're interested in joining The Mobility Factory or REScoop MECISE.
Solving problems together
Are you stuck with something, wondering how other cooperatives have solved similar problems, and do you need support? Just reach out and let us see if we can find someone to help you out. Our network is made up of organisations and people with strong expertise on various topics and activities. This includes managing specific energy services or technologies (PV installations, electro-mobility or district heating), particular business models (RES-electricity production, retail, heat provision, etc.) or knowledge of the energy regulations in specific EU countries.
Due to the large size of the network, we need to find a way to serve all our members as equally as possible. This means that we will always be able to answer any ad-hoc questions you may have. If you require more substantial support (such as advice for setting up a new service, an audit, cost-benefit analyses for your project, a tailored workshop), we will be happy to provide this to you in exchange for a modest fee.
Members receive important updates through our monthly newsletter and via our social media channels including Twitter and Facebook. Sign up for our newsletter and follow our social media channels!
At the same time, our dissemination channels (this includes our website) are there to help our members amplify and showcase their own work. If you have an event, a story, anything you would like to share, don’t hesitate to contact us on Facebook, Twitter or email our communications manager Óscar Güell.
Working groups animates a number of thematic working groups, where our members can exchange questions, experiences and expertise. The aim of the working groups is to provide our members direct access to sector related information and create a forum for exchange. In addition to the policy working group, you can join any of the working groups on gender power, flexibility and collective home renovation. All groups can exchange on our online collaborative platform, and during the regular online meetings.
Get in touch with if you want to join any of these working groups.
Become a member
Membership & supporters fees
Part of our work is financed with annual membership and supporters fees. Contributions are decided by the general assembly and cover a full calendar year. Membership and supporters fees are usually due in the Summer or whenever there's a new application. Our coordinator will send you a reminder when payment is due.
Small federation: €1000 per year
- Members: <25
- Budget: limited
- Personnel: no
Large federation: €2500 per year
- Members: >25
- Budget: some
- Personnel: yes
Supporting federation: €7500 per year
- Members: >25
- Budget: substantial
- Personnel: yes
Individual cooperatives
Start-up Cooperative: €100 per year
- Members: 0-25
- Production/sales: limited
- Profit: limited
- Personnel: no
Growing Cooperative: €500 per year
- Members: 25-500
- Production/sales: some
- Profit: some
- Personnel: possible
Established Cooperative: €1000 per year
- Members: 500-1000
- Production/sales: medium-sized
- Profit: yes
- Personnel: yes
Large Cooperative: €2500 per year
- Members: >1000
- Production/sales: large
- Profit: yes
- Personnel: yes
Supporting Cooperative: €7500 per year
- Members: >1000
- Production/sales: very large
- Profit: yes
- Personnel: yes
- Small: €100 per year
- Large: €500 per year
REScoops* that want to join our federation should fill out the application form applicable to your situation and send it, together with a high resolution logo to We will then provide you with further instructions.
*We know that in certain contexts, citizen energy projects may choose a different legal form than a cooperative for their initiative. As long as your initiative can show that you operate according to the ICA principles, you can still become a member.
Our members has members and supporters. Among its members it has national or regional federations of REScoops or individual REScoops. We know that in certain contexts, citizen energy projects may choose a different legal form than a cooperative for their initiative. As long as your initiative can show that you operate according to the ICA principles, you can still become a member.
EnergieID — Belgium (27 members)
REScoop Vlaanderen — Belgium (23 members)
REScoop Wallonie — Belgium (20 members)
Unie Komunitní Energetiky (UKEN) — Czech Republic (60 supportive members)
Energifællesskaber Danmark — Denmark (65 members)
Energie Partagée — France (350 REScoop members)
BBEn — Germany (877 members)
DGRV — Germany
Nationwide Community Energy Ireland CLG — Ireland (3 members and 30 associate members)
Confcooperative Consumo e Utenza — Italy
SEV — Italy (23 members)
Eurosolar Lëtzebuerg asbl — Luxembourg (1 member)
Energie Samen — Netherlands (714 members)
Union Renovables — Spain (24 members)
SERO — Sweden
ASEC — Switzerland (13 REScoop members)
Awel Aman Tawe – Wales — UK (2 REScoop members)
Community Energy England — UK (280 members)
Community Energy Wales — UK (60 REScoop members)
Energy4All — UK (33 REScoop members)
Individual REScoop members
Energies citoyennes en Pays de Vilaine
Energeiakh Koinothta Karditsas Synpe (ESEK)
Energy Community Iliotropio Lesvos
Solarity Renewable Energy Community
South Kerry Community Energy Initiative
North Macedonia
Association for Belica Community Development
CEVE – Cooperativa Eléctrica do Vale d’Este
Zadruga Soncnih Elektrarn Slovenije
Energie Genossenschaft Schweiz
United Kingdom
Datblygiadau Egni Gwledig (DEG)
People Powered Retrofit Limited
Nobile group — Austria
izgrei BG — Bulgaria
Energie Commune — Belgium
EBO Consult — Denmark
Re-SET — Czech Republic
Netzwerk Energiewende Jetzt e.V. — Germany
revoluSUN — Germany — Hungary
Walton Institute — Ireland
VGA - Vereniging Gedeeld Autogebruik — Netherlands
Focus — Slovenia
AIGUASOL Consutling SCCL — Spain
Ecoserveis Association — Spain
INSTA – Serveis Jurídics Ambientals — Spain
Sustainable Development Agency SYNERGY — Ukraine
ALIenergy — United Kingdom