23 - 25 April, 2020
You must have been following the crisis caused by the Coronavirus closely over the past weeks. We hope that you have remained relatively unaffected so far.
Community energy stands for a society in which citizens take responsibility – not only for the energy transition. Therefore, we have decided to take responsibility to keep the consequences of the Coronavirus limited as much as possible.
For this reason, we are cancelling the European Citizen Energy Conference 2020 on April 23rd-25th in Frankfurt. We hope you will understand our decision.
In order to cause as little inconvenience as possible, we recommend that you cancel any travel plans or hotels you may have already booked as quickly as possible.
For all participants who have already paid 29 Euro for the participation at the dinner reception on April 24th: we will refund all payments for the dinner reception that reached us through Paypal, and will delete all payment orders that have reached us through other channels.
For REScoop.eu Members: A communication regarding the General Assembly will follow shortly!
If you have any questions whatsoever, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
We wish you all the best for the time ahead – stay healthy and united!