, CEE Bankwatch Network, and Polish Green Network invite you to participate in a webinar on the selection criteria for managing authorities to ensure EU public funds help energy communities grow.

We will discuss financing possibilities from the currently available EU financial tools and benchmarks for competition calls, which will help direct the available financing most effectively. Everyone interested in energy cooperatives, including their members, and planning and spending of EU funds is welcome to join.

When: Wednesday, 25 October at 14:00-15:30h CET

Where: Online


  • 14:00-14:15 - The general overview of the energy cooperatives’ financing situation (Chris Vrettos,
  • 14:15-14:35 - Introduction and presentation of the publication “Selection criteria for energy communities” - how the criteria were developed, the most important conclusions, and possible ways of their application (Christophe Jost, CEE Bankwatch Network)
  • 14:35-14:50 - Presentation of the situation in Poland - potential support for energy communities and calls for proposals announced so far (Zuzanna Sasiak, Polish Green Network)
  • 14:50-15:30 - Moderated discussion with panellists and participants/audience (Krzysztof Mrozek, Polish Green Network)