When most needed, everyone can learn about community energy.

On the 17th of February, the official opening ceremony of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Renewable Energy Made Easy took place. This free course organised by the European Citizen Energy Academy (EUCENA) gives everyone the opportunity to learn and gain an insider’s view of energy cooperatives, NGOs and other organisations working on solar and wind energy production and shared mobility.

You can watch the recording of the opening ceremony below.

Opening ceremony of the EUCENA MOOC Energy renewables made easy

Discover the work of energy cooperatives, NGOs and other organisations in numerous in-depth EUCENA courses, featuring a variety of topics related to community energy. Enjoy the videos that different experts and practitioners have prepared for you, and afterwards, discuss the content with them and other learners on the same path. Each topic features a discussion platform, allowing you to network with peers and help each other, discuss problems and, of course, celebrate.

Most organisations showcased in the MOOC are based in Germany, but examples from other countries in Europe also exist.

The German Citizen Energy Alliance BBEn, together with Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF) from Germany, the Greek energy cooperative Electra Energy, Milieukontakt Albania and REScoop.eu, have worked hard to make community energy knowledge available to as many people as possible.

Let’s join forces to boost the energy transition of the Balkans!

The Renewable Energy Made Easy MOOC has been prepared in the context of EUCENA, a project that supports the citizen energy movement throughout Europe by fostering knowledge creation and transfer between Southeast and Central Europe. Specifically, it provides knowledge and tools on community building, development, and cooperation between communities.

Are you already active or interested in getting active in an energy community in the Balkan region? Then join our network and communication platform to directly exchange with experts and like-minded people in your region. Contact Antonia Proka at antonia.proka@rescoop.eu.

Let’s go solar, let’s go renewable together!