News project proposals
Also this year, is preparing and participating in several proposals for European funds, and we need your support!
To be able to keep working on our federation's objectives, we need to capture EU funding opportunities. We participate in those proposals who support the creation of innovative and interesting new tools and services for the community energy movement.
If you would like to provide a letter of support for our proposals, make sure to contact Daan Creupelandt!
This project, coordinated by, will be submitted under the Horizon 2020 programme under topic H2020-LC-SC3-EC-1-2019 “The role of consumers in changing the market through informed decision and collective actions.”
The overall objective of REScoop SCCALE is to promote the growth of energy communities in order to foster a socially fair, democratic and decentralised transition with added societal benefits.
The LAURA project, in which participates, will be submitted under the call H2020-LC-SC3-EE-13-2019 “Enabling next-generation of smart energy services valorising energy efficiency and flexibility at demand-side as energy resource”.
The general LAURA project concept to develop a platform for Public Institutions in order to better decide on their energy efficiency investments through the engagement of citizens, ESCOs, cooperatives and green retailers. The platform will create a front-end for each of these target groups in order to cooperate for providing different energy services and trigger sustainable investments.
Through the LAURA project cooperatives will have the opportunity to collaborate with local authorities and SMEs in order to define innovative approaches to energy efficiency and smart energy management. The ICT platform facilitates the collaboration of local actors and enables citizens to act individually, collectively and with the support of their local authorities on the decarbonization of their home or their neighborhood.
The CEES proposal coordinated by SNAP (Portugal), in which participates, will be submitted to the Horizon call topic LC-SC3-EC-2-2019: “Mitigating household energy poverty”.
The CEES project will collect the best practises of energy cooperatives from across Europe tackling energy poverty in their communities through education. Moreover, we will assess, improve and replicate the existing models through our REScoop network.
4. Enerfit
The EnerFiT Project (the Multilayer Financial Mechanisms for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Investments in Public Buildings) will be submitted to the Horizon call topic LC-SC3-EE-9-2018-2019 "Innovative financing for energy efficiency investment".
The EnerFiT project will be an excellent contribution with positive impacts for the policy making and policy improving by fostering the adoption of Integrated Energy Contracting as effective energy efficiency service thanks to the intervention on municipal and public building management procedure.
5. LIFE program
The LIFE project proposal will be submitted to the Contracting Authority under the LIFE sub-programme for Climate Action., as European federation of citizen energy cooperatives, wants to support its members and other organisations in all EU member states to achieve a good implementation of the new EU directives on energy for citizens and groups of citizens (energy communities). Moreover, wants to focus on the execution of the National Climate Action Plans and the revision, implementation and execution of the State Aid Guidelines in the 28 Member States. National members or other supporting organisations from the network, leading the project at the national level will be trained and coordinated by
6. REScoop VPP
The REScoopVPPproject, in which participates, will be submitted under the call H2020-LC-SC3-EE-4-2019 “Upgrading Smartness of Existing BuildingsThrough Innovation for Legacy Equipment”.
The general REScoopVPP project concept is to develop a cooperative approach to Virtual Power Plants through open standards, open source software and collaborative licensing of the developed smart energy management tools. Managing the real-time balance of consumption and RES generation is key for the energy transition. The REScoopVPP demand response and forecasting tools will strengthen cooperatives as innovative Citizen Energy Communities. Open source software and collaborative licensing will make these tools accessible to a wide ecosystem of cooperative actors by respecting the core values of having “environmental, economic or social community benefits” as primary purpose.