is delighted to welcome a new member to her network. We strongly believe that by growing our network, we make sure the voices of citizens and their communities are better heard in the energy sector.

Energies citoyennes en Pays de Vilaine

Energies citoyennes en Pays de Vilaine (EPV) is a French association that aims to involve as many citizens as possible in the energy transition by supporting the development of citizen energy projects.

EPV was founded in 2003 during the development of the first citizen-owned wind farms in France, located in Béganne, Sévérac-Guenrouët and Avessac. In the following years, they continued their activities mobilising citizens, creating links between different actors of the region Pays de Vilaine, and supporting more wind projects at a regional and national level. Since 2016, they work on solar projects too.

Energies Citoyennes Logo

EPV considers that producing clean energy only makes sense if it is accompanied by an effort to reduce its consumption. For this reason, they organise education and information actions on energy saving aimed at different audiences: the housing sector, investors, citizens living in the area, schools, and members of the association.

Right now, they are also involved, together with, in the Interreg North-West Europe ECCO project, an initiative that aims to accelerate the set-up of new energy communities in rural areas.

Follow EPV on social media to stay up to date on their activities: