Meet our newest additions to the team!

As part of our recently kicked-off European projects, we expanded the team. We'd like to introduce you to Stavroula, Sem and Antonia. Read on to find out more about them, what they bring to the team and how they can support our network.

Sem Oxenaar

My name is Sem Oxenaar (from Amsterdam, the Netherlands) and I joined the team in November to work on ‘Citizen-led Renovation’. Over the past three years I got to feed my passion for the energy transition by working as an advisor and researcher at DRIFT, an institute focused on sustainability transitions at Erasmus University Rotterdam. With activities ranging from studying ‘prosumer collectives’ and researching financial ties between the fossil fuel industry and the Dutch government to working with municipalities and coordinating an energy transition course for civil servants.

I am very excited about developing my knowledge in the field of sustainable renovation and work with cooperatives from all over Europe on this important topic. Also, I’m looking forward to brushing up my French and settling into our office in Brussels.

Don't hesitate to get in touch if you want to talk about sustainable renovation!

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Antonia Proka

My name is Antonia (from Greece) and I am happy to have joined the team to support the development of citizen energy communities in Southeast Europe, as well as the creation of new business models and the realization of new projects by the existing citizen energy communities throughout Europe.

I will be working on a new project supported by the European Climate Initiative: the European Citizen Energy Academy (EUCENA). EUCENA will help turn the European Union’s long-term vision of an Energy Union with citizens at its core into reality. The project specifically aims to increase the diversity of citizen energy initiatives, enabling the engagement of more women in the field.

Before joining the team, I collaborated with on the development of the Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat, an Initiative of the European Commission to decarbonize the EU islands with the participation of the island communities.

Moreover, in Spring 2021 I will defend my PhD on the (self-)organisation of renewable energy initiatives in the Netherlands. I pursued my PhD entitled "Organising for Power Change: Transformative Business Models for the Energy Transition" based at DRIFT (Erasmus University Rotterdam), and I am happy to stay connected with action-oriented REScoop academics.

Antonia web

Stavroula Pappa

My name is Stavroula Pappa (from Greece) and I am an energy lawyer, with a specialization on the European and Greek legislation on energy communities. I graduated from the Law School of Athens and worked for 3 years in one of the best Law Firms in Greece specialized in Public Law, Public Procurement Law and Administrative Law.

Afterwards I pursued a master in Energy and Climate Law at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. My thesis and research focused on the legislation on energy communities and, more specifically, on how the development of energy communities in Non-Interconnected Islands in the Aegean Sea could promote their energy transition.

In, I started working as a project manager for three projects: COME RES, OneNet and STEPS. I also contribute to the advocacy work of the Federation.

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