is delighted to welcome three new members to her network. We strongly believe that by growing our network, we make sure the voices of citizens and their communities are better heard in the energy sector. Below you can find an overview of our new members.

Unie komunitní energetiky

Unie komunitní energetiky (UKEN) is a coalition that supports and facilitates the creation of renewable energy communities in the Czech Republic. The ultimate goal of this Community Energy Union is to create a clean and decentralised future for the Czech energy system.

UKEN’s work is structured around three main pillars:

  1. Advocacy. They advocate for legislative and administrative changes leading to the successful transposition of the EU provisions for energy communities and the expansion of community energy in the Czech Republic.
  2. Education. They increase public awareness and promote community energy as a tool to the decarbonise, decentralise and democratise the energy system. They also inform members about best practices in the field and provide stakeholders and decision makers with relevant data and recommendations.
  3. Networking. They bring together and connect different actors (representatives of the public administration, entrepreneurs, associations, interest groups, NGOs and experts) sharing an interest in the development of community energy. They also share know-how and best practices on community energy.
UKEN logo

UKEN was established in March 2023 and currently represents 60 members. These members are budding energy communities, local action groups, NGOs, municipalities and their associations or innovation agencies, businesses (mainly from the energy and development sector) and housing cooperatives.

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Osona Energia Cooperativa

Osona Energia Cooperativa (OECoop) is a no-profit cooperative based in Vic, Spain, that provides support to local energy communities. This second-level cooperative was founded in 2022 and currently represents 13 energy communities, with many more interested in joining. Thanks to their activities, they aim to empower citizens to participate in the social, economic and ecological transformation.

OECoop's portfolio of services includes data protection, organisation management, accounting, legal representation, web design and social media management. Energy cooperatives need these services for their day-to-day activities and OECoop allows them to do it in a cooperative and shared way.

Osona Energía cooperativa logo

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SeaCoop is a cooperative society established by 33 Belgian energy cooperatives to give citizens the opportunity to participate in a new large offshore wind project planned in the North Sea. More specifically, their objective is to acquire a 20% stake in these offshore wind farms and to supply the electricity produced to Belgian households and SMEs via the Belgian cooperative suppliers Ecopower and Cociter. Thanks to this short-circuit supply by and for the citizens, they aim to bolster Belgium's renewable energy adoption over the long haul and ensure stable prices for the benefit of all.

Sea Coop logo

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