Spread the news – you now have the right to produce, trade, sell, store and own your own renewable energy! The EU legislation on renewable energy (renewable energy directive RED II) gives communities and individuals the right to generate, store, consume and sell their own energy. These energy rights are transformational and absolutely essential for a decentralized and renewable energy supply. But the rights have to be implemented in national laws to make it happen. How can the power, expertise, motivation and will of energy communities across Europe be united to push for the implementation of the renewable energy directive? Different methodologies, experiences, success factors and barriers from Denmark, Poland, Germany and Turkey are presented and discussed.


  • Anja Ruehlemann, Women Engage for a Common Future WECF
  • Katharina Habersbrunner, WECF and Bündnis Bürgerenergie


  • Katharina Habersbrunner, Board Member, WECF (Germany)
  • Joanna Furmaga, President, Społeczny Instytut Ekologiczny/Polish Green Net (Poland)
  • Nazan Unverir, Lawyer/Chairwoman, Troya Energy Cooperative (Turkey)
  • Gunnar Olesen, Executive Coordinator, Inforse (Denmark)


The webinar will take place on April 23, 2020 at 9:00 AM CET.

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This webinar is part of a series organised in the context of the Erasmus+ project "The power of energy community". More information about the webinar series here.