Project Story #1 - EnerCit'IF
Let’s bring some solar power over the Eiffel Tower!
We asked for groups affiliated with us to get in touch and share what they are up to and we are excited to share news from France.
First, we start with EnerCit’IF, a citizen-led energy project in Paris. The cooperative brings together over 300 Parisians after only one year of existence with 16 plans already in development. The group began to form after meeting at the city’s Participatory Budget platform when pushing for the Popular Neighbourhoods with Positive Energy project with the ambition to produce electricity and hot water sustainably in working-class districts in the city.
Energy poverty has always played a key role in the setting up of energy cooperatives which is why EnerCit’IF has the belief that strong citizen engagement can lead to successful projects, understanding the needs of the most vulnerable in suppling clean electricity.
The energy transition by all and for all, that’s what we are trying to create
EnerCit’IF has around 30 people working on nearly a daily basis in order to get solar panels over the French capital, focusing on 9 projects on public buildings, 6 on social housing and a final project on a condominium outside of the city. Already by summer this year they expect the first solar panels to arrive. Just this month they have signed a contract with the City of Paris to get solar panels on school roofs.
Following the sixth cooperative principle “Cooperation among Cooperatives”, the Parisian initiative has been working closely with other citizen-led groups across the Ile de France region such as Sud Paris Soleil, Plaine Énergie Citoyenne and Electrons Solaries, and is a member of Energie Partagée, a federation member of
If you a resident in Paris who would like to take part, watch their 6 testimonies on citizens involved in the project and follow them on Twitter and Facebook.
We at look forward to their future successes, bon chance!
Are you affiliated with and have a story you wish to share? Then check out our post on how to get in touch.