A lot has happened since the adoption of the RED II five years (half a decade) ago. The transposition deadline has come and gone, and Europe now finds itself amidst an unprecedented energy crisis, driven by reliance on imported fossil fuels. Energy prices are high and extremely volatile, and Member States are finally waking up to the fact that they need to ramp up new installations for renewables production. These factors make empowering local actors to take an active role in the energy transition ever more pressing.

We can now see the progress – or lack thereof – of Member States in creating a favourable enabling framework that can help local actors set up, support, and participate in RECs. This report aims to highlight what Member States have done so far to include each of the elements that are required to be part of their national enabling frameworks in line with the RED II. Utilising the approach from a previous Transposition Guidance developed by REScoop.eu and ClientEarth, the report looks at what is required by the Member States. Furthermore, it provides concrete ‘good practices’ of what Member States have put in place so far.

This report complements REScoop.eu’s online Transposition Tracker, which was developed to allow stakeholders to monitor how well Member States are implementing their EU requirements relating to energy communities.

While this Report contains good examples for other Member States to follow, it was also evident upon undertaking this work that a majority of Member States have yet to adopt the necessary legislation, policies or measures that are needed to create an enabling framework for RECs to emerge, particularly in central and eastern Europe.