The One Tariff Structure

With the "One Tariff Structure", Ecopower (BE) implemented a very simple principle. The essence of the measure is to offer "one price per KWh", for all the customers of the cooperative, regardless of where they live or how much they consume. Ecopower sends an invoice to all its customers (and therefore members) on a yearly basis. The tariffs are defined every year by the cooperative depending on taxes, transportation costs and energy prices.

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Energie ID

Energie ID is a platform for the active customers of Ecopower (BEL). Customer fill in their own data on the easy to use platform on a monthly basis. This data is used by Energie ID to create a future profile of their consumption and the compare them to similar households. The platform is also giving access for customers to groups where they can get support to be more energy efficient by an energy expert from Ecopower.

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Optimized Return Flow

In order to optimise their district heating, and therefore save energy, Südtiroler Energy Verband (SEV) uses the measure of return flow temperature optimisation. This is a tariff incentive for consumers to use energy outside peak consumption. By optimising its installation, the cooperative is improving the efficiency ratio of the district heating plants.

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Info Energia

Som Energia started with Info Energia as an extra service for their members. Instead of just sending invoices, Som Energia also sends reports on the energy use of their customers. Those reports were enriched by the use of 15-minutes consumption data that allows the cooperative to explore load-shifting and tariff optimization for its consumers.

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The Technical Support

The FJR-ordning (Technical Support) is a check of the consumers heating installations every second year. The first check is a check of their district heating unit and an energy audit of the house. The second check is a maintenance check of the district heating unit in order to adjust and be more energy efficient.

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Dr Watt

Dr Watt is a package of measures. It is an online tool coupled with an offline training program and also an online wiki populated collaboratively.

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The Package Approach

The Package Approach is a marketing tool that allows for a greater engagement of the community. By making a collective proposal, EBO Consult is engaging directly the members of the community to act and think collectively. The only way to reach the required level of sign ups is for the community to mobilize.

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