When it proposed a recast of the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED), the European Commission (Commission) recognized that to achieve increased ambition on energy savings to meet 2030 and 2050 climate objectives, mobilisation of citizens is essential. While the role of energy communities in achieving energy savings was acknowledged in the Clean Energy Package (CEP), there were no references to energy communities in the EED.

Over the last decade, energy communities have increasingly undertaken activities aimed to help members and local citizens pursue measures to save energy. Indeed, in the context of the energy crisis, demand for such services has been increasing. The underlying goals of these community initiatives vary, ranging from the pursuit of an energy efficiency first approach, using revenues from renewables production to fund energy savings measures, education and awareness raising, to supporting sustainable building renovation, energy solidary and addressing energy poverty. Amidst the ongoing energy crisis, outreach to all citizens, particularly those that are vulnerable, on how to save energy has never been more pressing.

In order to maximize their role in addressing energy savings at household level, as well as ensuring an inclusive and fair energy transition where no one is left behind, the EU legal framework must ensure that energy communities are able to receive sufficient policy and financial support.

In this policy paper, REScoop.eu formulates recommendations for the upcoming Trilogues between the European Parliament and the Council on the EED.