The current Renewable Energy Directive 2018/2001/EU (RED II) entered into force in December 2018, as part of the Clean Energy Package (CEP) introducing legislation to promote renewable energy and emission reductions. It also introduced for the first time a new concept for citizen participation in the energy market, the Renewable Energy Communities (RECs).

With its recent proposed revisions to the RED II, the European Commission (Commission) has recognized the need to increase ambition on renewable energy production in order to adhere to the 2030 and 2050 climate objectives. To meet these objectives, and to speed up the pace of developing renewable energy, more action is required in all segments of society. Citizens, for their part, are increasingly mobilizing through their own community, developing initiatives around the uptake of renewable energy. Russia’s invasion to Ukraine highlighted the pressing need for a faster energy transition to renewables. Thus, the Commission, with its REPowerEU Plan introduced several measures to speed up the decarbonization process, including some new provisions to be included in the Renewables Directive.

Trilogue negotiations between the European Parliament and the Council on the Renewables Directive will be crucial to maximise the potential for citizens and their communities to contribute towards the replacement of gas by local renewable production.

Moreover, within the scope of the REPowerEU Plan, the Commission proposed further revisions to the RED II, which are also currently being discussed in the European Parliament. This separate process follows a different timeline.

In this position paper, formulates recommendations for both the upcoming Trilogues on REDII and the REPower RED provisions process.