Cohesion & Regional Development Funds
Overall assessment
Latvia’s allocations under the EU’s Cohesion Policy for the 2021 to 2027 period amount to approximately EUR 4.24 billion. The country has one national operational programme, which earmarks more than EUR 1 billion for the climate and environmental objectives such as a greener and more resilient, low-carbon Europe with a transition to a carbon-free economy in net terms, promoting a just clean energy transition, green and blue investments, circular economy, climate change mitigation and adaptation, risk prevention and management and sustainable mobility in urban environments.
Detailed assessment
General: allocation, definition, transposition
Specific allocation for energy communities
The National operational programme contains three measures that mention energy communities as recipients.
Definition of energy communities in line with EU legislation
The OP highlights several modes of collective initiatives: housing associations, electricity sharing among jointly acting customers, electricity communities, renewable energy communities (biomethane). Once the draft regulation will come in force the eligible organisational models will be clarified.
Proportionality of share of total fund allocated to energy communities
That level of detail of information is not available yet.
Availability of tailored financing tools
That level of detail of information is not available yet.
Link to a wider scope of activities and objectives
Link between energy communities, building renovation and energy efficiency
The specific support objective 2.1.1. "Promotion of energy efficiency and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions" envisions support for renovation of buildings also in combination with installation of RES. The target group for this among others includes multi-apartment housing associations, house owners, which could also mean energy communities, however, the specific term is not used.
Recognition of energy communities under multiple objectives
Energy communities are mentioned in the target groups of three specific objectives:
2.1.1. Promotion of energy efficiency and GHG mitigation (renovation, RES in the buildings, heating systems)
2.1.2. Support for biomethane production.
2.1.4. Promotion of renewable electricity. generation.
Transparency and inclusiveness
Holistic strategy to provide financing across different levels of project development
There is a holistic strategy in place to support energy communities. This includes educational activities (for building capacity and competence), financing for energy generation, accumulation and related smart solutions (solar), as well as installation of biogas purification (biomethane production) equipment. Financing is also earmarked for the creation of the necessary infrastructure for biomethane transportation or filling, including by creating connections to gas transmission or distribution networks.
Transparency of the design and communication of the schemes and measures
An opportunity to provide feedback regarding the operational program has been provided, but it is too early to assess the overall transparency of the program.
Selection criteria and the prioritisation of various social components
That level of detail of information is not available yet.
Decentralised tender process
The operational program is managed in a centralised manner.
Existence of procedures to facilitate the participation of energy communities in open calls
The process has not developed that far yet.
Stability and predictability of the programme through time
The process has not developed that far yet.