Cohesion & Regional Development Funds
Overall assessment
Energy communities are mentioned in Slovenia's Partnership Agreement 2021-27:
Specifically, within Objective RSO2.3 Development of smart energy systems, networks and storage beyond the trans-European energy network (TEN-E) (ERDF), with an overall budget of 54 million euros (although there are no dedicated budget lines for energy communities per se). "Accelerating the creation of new energy communities" is clustered as a goal alongside other objectives, such as storage and RES integration.
According to the document emphasis will be given in "promoting the first RES energy communities in the local environment, which allows for extended self-supply beyond the community and is essential for the transition to a low-carbon society." The measure will stimulate the emergence of local RES-based communities that will produce and supply energy and may also provide aggregation or other commercial energy services. Participation in energy communities will be open to all end-users, including those in low-income or vulnerable households. The measure also provides for technical and human resources support to implement the establishment of a scheme to promote the development of local energy communities and other projects at local level.
Detailed assessment
General: allocation, definition, transposition
Specific allocation for energy communities
Energy communities are mentioned within the broader objective (RSO2.3) - Development of smart energy systems, networks and storage. The overall budget for this objective is 54 million euros.
There is a specific allocation of 29,35 million EUR for ''Promotion of local energy communities'' with beneficiary actors being: businesses, the public sector, households, municipalities, cooperatives, institutions:
Definition of energy communities in line with EU legislation
The definition of energy communities within Slovenia's Partnership Agreement 2021-27 is broadly in line with the relevant European Directives. Support measures will stimulate the emergence of local RES-based communities that will produce and supply energy and may also provide aggregation or other commercial energy services. Participation in energy communities will be open to all end-users, including those in low-income or vulnerable households.
In the foreseen support measure eligible applicants are mentioned: businesses, municipalities, cooperatives, public sector, households, institutions, individuals.
Proportionality of share of total fund allocated to energy communities
There is around 200 million EUR allocated to renewable energy systems in the OP (including the Just Transition Fund). While there is 29, 35 million EUR dedicated specifically to energy communities.
Given the level of energy poverty in Slovenia and the positive aspects of energy communities in this context, the share is deemed as low.
Availability of tailored financing tools
All finances foreseen for energy communities under the Slovenian Operational Programme are in the form of grants. There are thus no different financing tools that fit different situations (e.g., guarantees, loans etc).
Link to a wider scope of activities and objectives
Link between energy communities, building renovation and energy efficiency
There are no links between energy communities and citizen led renovation.
Recognition of energy communities under multiple objectives
Under the Slovenian Operational Programme are only mentioned in the context of promoting renewable energy. However, there are also some brief links with the goal of tackling energy poverty.
Transparency and inclusiveness
Holistic strategy to provide financing across different levels of project development
Support measures foresee technical and staff support for the implementation of a scheme to promote the development of local energy communities and other projects at local level. However to date there are little operational details.
Transparency of the design and communication of the schemes and measures
The design and operation of the Slovenian Operational Programme has not offered many opportunities for participation and inclusion to civil society, and has largely been untransparent.
Selection criteria and the prioritisation of various social components
This information is not available yet. The inclusion of energy poor households within energy communities eligible for funding is mentioned however.
Decentralised tender process
There are no public tenders yet, so this information is not available.
Existence of procedures to facilitate the participation of energy communities in open calls
There are no procedures yet to facilitate the participation of energy communities in open calls. Support measures, like staff allocation and technical assistance, are however foreseen.
Stability and predictability of the programme through time
This information is not yet available.