Overall assessment

The Competitiveness and Cohesion Operational Programme 2021-27 mentions energy communities as part of the specific objective 2.2. Promotion of renewable energy in accordance with Directive (EU) 2018/2001, which mobilises 95 million Euros in total (65 million for solar energy and 30 million for other renewables). Although energy communities are mentioned within the specific goal, specific measures for their establishment and promotion are not foreseen.

Detailed assessment

General: allocation, definition, transposition

Specific allocation for energy communities

Energy communities are mentioned within the Competitiveness and Cohesion Operational Programme 2021-27 , but nested under a general budget line for renewable energy, with no special financial allocations.

Definition of energy communities in line with EU legislation

The Operational Programme does not mention a specific definition for energy communities, neither is a link made with the relevant EU Directives. However openness to all stakeholders and generating environmental benefit is mentioned.

Proportionality of share of total fund allocated to energy communities

Energy communities are not singled out as separate beneficiaries with specific financial allocations.

Availability of tailored financing tools

There are no financing tools to support energy communities.

Link to a wider scope of activities and objectives

Link between energy communities, building renovation and energy efficiency

There are no links made between energy communities and the activities of renovations & energy efficiency.

Recognition of energy communities under multiple objectives

There is a mentioned link between energy communities and safe and high-quality energy supply in a way that will support the reduction of the use of fossil fuels, greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to mitigating the risk of climate change by increasing the capacity of all market participants

Transparency and inclusiveness

Holistic strategy to provide financing across different levels of project development

There is no holistic strategy in place to support energy communities, as no specific measures have been announced (e.g., awareness raising, grid upgrades, legal and administrative reforms).

Transparency of the design and communication of the schemes and measures

The Operational programme Competitiveness and Cohesion was published in an online tool for public consultation and all interested parties could comment on a specific part of it.

The Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds then reviewed the comments and either included or dismissed them. This is a standard process that all legislation and most strategies, plans and programmes on national level go through.

Selection criteria and the prioritisation of various social components

This information is not yet available as no specific calls for funding have been announced.

Decentralised tender process

The process of designing tenders and administering the funds of the Operational Programme is very centralised decentralised.

Existence of procedures to facilitate the participation of energy communities in open calls

There exist no efforts to coach energy communities and familiarise them with available opportunities for public funds.

Stability and predictability of the programme through time

This information is not yet available as no calls for funding have yet been announced.