Overall assessment

Spain’s REPowerEU chapter will be endowed with EUR 8 billion, of which more than 60 per cent will be executed in the form of subsidies. It includes two reforms and six investments, with broad support for self-consumption and energy communities.

  • Reform 1 (C31.R1): Permits for renewable installations. The main objective of this reform is to improve the administrative processing process for renewable electricity generation facilities. The improvements consist of streamlining, simplifying and reducing administrative burdens, as well as reinforcing the clarity of said procedures.

  • Reform 2 (C31.R2): Consumer protection. This reform addresses measures aimed at reducing the impact of the cost of energy on citizens, with particular attention to vulnerable consumers. The six investments are renewable self-consumption, behind-the-metre storage and energy communities; renewable hydrogen; aid and investment in the value chain of the energy transition; energy infrastructures; and two programmes that promote competitiveness and industrial sustainability;

  • Investment (C31.I1): Renewable self-consumption, behind-the-meter storage and energy communities. This investment aims to reinforce and complement the actions of the recovery and resilience plan, particularly with regard to self-consumption, behind-the-metre storage and energy communities.

  • Investment 4 (C31.I4): Energy infrastructures. This investment is intended for the development of electrical infrastructure of the transportation network, in order to have a network of resilient and efficient infrastructures, which will allow progress in the diversification of supply, as well as its security, allowing the deployment of strategic projects for decarbonization.